Information for Paramedic Program Preceptors


The VCU Health Paramedic Program has adopted the Old Dominion EMS Alliance's Preceptor Training for Accredited Programs (PTAP) for preceptors that work with our AEMT or Paramedic students. Qualified preceptors must complete this training before any VCU Health Paramedic students complete field shifts with them.

Qualified Preceptors:

  1. Have been a released paramedic for at least a year.
  2. Must be approved by their agency to be a preceptor.
  3. Must complete the ODEMSA PTAP training program.

 The PTAP program is free to access. It will take about 45 minutes to complete. Be sure to download and save your certificate of completion. The PTAP program can be accessed here:

Please reach out to the Paramedic Program Clinical Coordinator at with any issues or questions.